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12 Most Profitable Strategies to Monetize A Blog

Updated: Dec 5, 2021

Today, we will explore in detail other methods blogger can use to gain profit from their personal brand online. If you are a new blogger or growing blogger, this content is for you . Let's get started - time to take notes!


1. Offer paid membership plans

Producing monetized exclusive content is a form of digital product that requires you to create valuable content that cannot be found on the Google search engine. Usually, that requires years of experience or receipts and credentials. It works great if you are a blogger with an established personal brand.


2. Become a freelance blogger

You can also start your own blog column for another business to earn income. This can involve product reviews or testimony posts that you generate with ads or affiliates links.

3. Make money from online ads

Bloggers also make money by generating ads on their website via Google Ads or Skimlinks partnership. Bloggers allow advertisers to display their brand in ads and earn commission.

4. Become an affiliate marketer

There are many programs or partners you can register today to become a member and start generating income with an affiliates program. If you visit any big brand website page, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page with all the links and details. You will see sections that say "join our affiliates program" or " become an affiliates member". Most e-commerce products and tech service brands have it - you can't miss it.

5. Write sponsored posts

Similar to affiliates, you can also write sponsored posts or create video talks about their brand experience. For example, Square Space web hosting site has affiliate-sponsored posts where bloggers and

vloggers can share their insight and get links to promote their web hosting site.

6. Get sponsored by a brand

If you have thousands of loyal followers and subscribers with high engagement brands, you can also reach out to tap into your audience by doing brand-sponsored posts.

7. Ask for donations You can simply ask your loyal fans to send donations to support your blog.



8. Sell e-books

Other bloggers and content creators produce digital products or write books and sell it on Amazon as a means of generating income.

9: Host a virtual summit

Create or host a virtual summit with access tickets to attend the event . This is usually effective if a high-profile guest speaker is invited to be a part of the event.

10. Sell online courses:

If you are an expert in any specific field or industry, you can become the voice by creating online courses and selling it through your website or promote on Youtube. For example, if you are a personal trainer, you can create exercise videos and sell it as crash course to your viewers online.

11: Offer coaching or consulting services

You can also do one on one coaching or consulting services to individuals. For example, becoming a Digital Marketing consultant or private English tutor.

12: Sell merchandise:

You can also sell products or merchandise on your blog and promote it. This has been done by lot of online bloggers and influencers.

I hope this content was very helpful for learning how to generate profit from your blog. Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel Neecee Lexy to learn more about how to successfully promote and market your online business.

I highly recommend you to read my previous post on the following topics:

  1. How to Start a Blog: Step-by-Step for Beginners

  2. How to Write an Impactful Blog Post

  3. How To Grow Your Business With Blog Strategy

  4. How to Implement SEO On Your Blog Posts

  5. 12 Most Profitable Strategies to Monetize A Blog

  6. 5 Ways Blogging Can Boost Your Business

  7. Best Tools For Creating Amazing Blog Images?

  8. List of Most Profitable Blog Niches to start

  9. How to Grow Your Blog Community

  10. I Have A Blog, Now What? Please Help Me!

  11. 8 Cool Perks for a Blogger Other Than Money

  12. Blogger's Best Kept Secret

  13. Design a Stunning Blog

  14. 10 Ways to Boost Blog Productivity

  15. 3 Tips For 2019 to Upgrade Your Blog Image

  16. 3 Biggest challenges bloggers encounter and how to overcome?

  17. Why bloggers need a planner?

  18. Why SEO is Necessary for Your Blog

  19. 3 Smart SEO Strategies That Drive Qualified Leads To Your Website

  20. 7 Easy Hacks: How to Scale Up A Business Financially Today

  21. What I Learned After Working as a Full-Time Blogger


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Sher Shares Blog

Great tips, I need to think about what kind of branding I want to convey.

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Nicole's Cooking

Hi Neecee, This is Nicole, Such a wonderful sharing! Great Job! All the best! 

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Faith Adodo

Thanks for this wonderful Interview. I love the questions and enthusiasm. 

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