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Make 2018 your best year yet!

Break your Old habits: Replace it with new habits:

It takes 21 days to break a habit, so you might as well start your habit count down as of today.

Understand that whatever did not happen last year was due to your old ways of doing things. Even it requires for you to change environment do so. If you always work from your bed room maybe is time to come to the living room, go to public library, startbucks, or change room around.

Get a realistic Goals, pick SMART goals:

To achieve successful goals you got be motivated to do them. Follow the SMART Goals planner:

Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time sensitive.

Specific - For example, maybe you specific goal is to start a Youtube page, going to back to school, getting a job, or losing weight

Measureable - You know for sure are able to do it or perhaps you can get friend to help you out.

Attainable - For someone who wants to create new YouTube page. You can start by using your phone camera or buying new.

For person who wants to go school perhaps you want to complete that appicaltions you have been ignoring for sometime now.

For person who wants to get job maybe is time to call few companies that are hiring or enrolled in program that training you to create successful resume.

For person that want to lose weight while my dear join community centre gym for free if you can afford to have GoodLife membership.

Realistic and Time sensitive - set up by when everything need to be complete. That way you are responsible for meeting the due date in time.

Remember you resolutions does not work unless you do! Put on the effort and en

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Sher Shares Blog

Great tips, I need to think about what kind of branding I want to convey.

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Nicole's Cooking

Hi Neecee, This is Nicole, Such a wonderful sharing! Great Job! All the best! 

faith adodo

Faith Adodo

Thanks for this wonderful Interview. I love the questions and enthusiasm. 

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