Succeeding in the blog industry there is no " One size fit all" sauce. However, there are some common challenges most bloggers face that are avoidable or reversible. Here are list 3 biggest challenges bloggers face and how to overcome them.

1. Low fans engagement
Having a successful blog could mean getting sponsorship deals and monetization income flowing into your bank account biweekly or monthly. It is true companies love working with social media influences (bloggers). Generally, these companies are looking less at follower counts and more at genuine engagement. However, if your blog site has both engagement and higher follower counts. Your partnership deals become a high stake and it will rank you high in the blogging community.
Despite your greatest efforts and dedication to maintain your blog fans engagement. There will always be another blogger with a higher reach and overall influence. However, that should not stop you from building your own niche and audience. After all blogging is about commitment to your craft. Therefore, you should focus on investing on yourself. Every great blogger started from the bottom and worked his or her way up. For instance, you can take social media marketing online course to learn how to market your posts and blog contents. YES, not everyone got money to stash on online courses. Do not worry YouTube has lots of FREE tutorials with over millions of social media marketing videos on there. Select from Youtube tutorial instructors that have sustainable receipts and facts to back their method work.

2. Old trick, new pet
Our digital world is consistently advancing with new AI features and elements. For example, Social media marketers before measure customers engagement by looking at number of likes and followers. Nowadays, these tactical measure are called vanity metrics which have little to non effect on how successful a business is performing online. Therefore, Social Media marketers now measure engagements by number of shared, comments, sales or subscription quarterly.
This is a classic example of an old trick for a new pet does not work. Thus, doing old digital marketing tactics for a new blog is big mistake most new bloggers or re branding bloggers. There is big gap and disconnect on how social media marketing works nowadays compare to 1 to 3 years ago.
Whatever method you've used in the last 6 months or year might have worked. But if you are seeing continuous decline on your web traffic and fans engagement. It's great time reevaluate what worked and what did not work from your google analytic reports. Google analytic (GA) has very good indicator on how your blog has been performing and how long these visitors stay on your website or pages. For example, you can start changing your home page images or add negative links to words to help visitor access other parts of your website.

3. Not Enough Traffic
Perhaps having low fans engagement is due lack of overall site traffic. If people are not visiting your site the probably do not know where to find and engaged with your content. Not having enough traffic is by far the most common challenge blogger face which leads to blogging burn-out. Generally, Blogger get super excited about the process of launching a blog, buying a new gear.
To correct this issue, you must be willing to evaluate your blog contents and the message your are trying to convey. Perhaps, the post your are creating is not matching the audience viewing them. Good quick fix is determine whether your content is relevant to your tagret audience. On the other hand, ask yourself what type of post your target audience can benefit from or learn from. This is a simple economic one on one “Supply vs demand” lesson.
Social Media: Make sure you have an specific social media accounts that are connect with your blog website. Every time you post new article or content it should has auto share to your social media platforms.
Facebook - Great tool for advertisement and increase traffic to your website.
Instagram - Add shareable links off your new post on IG story.
Snapchat - This app allows add shareable links and images.
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