As an entrepreneur, the journey is not always smooth sailing. We all experience highs and lows but keeping positive momentum is highly important if you want to be successful.
I get asked frequently How do you keep pushing to get things done? I used to just smile because I honestly did not have the right answer to those questions. However, I keep running into the same question more now especially from younger people. I started looking at the pattern of how I got things done over the years.
Here are seven things that you can do daily to succeed in everything you want to do. Your gift will take you places you never thing is possible.
1) Believe is possible
I was once a 15 year ESL student who registered for a French class. I was a shy girl who did not talk much. As a result, my first French class oral report was very poor. The teacher went to the school principal to sign a form, and called my dad to have me removed from the French grade 9 class. They all agreed that it was better for me to drop it and focus on learning my English instead. The teacher asked me to sign the form and get my dad's signature to make it official. I took form sheet trash it out told her " NO, Ms. Johnson I'm staying here to finish the French credit course."
I came home my dad was not happy that I refused to drop the course. He said "you are being a hard headed, you better not fail this class. Pick a course that you can ace". I said No, I'm staying in that course.
I've spent the next 3 months learning and listening to French audio tap at the library. I befriend a girl sitting next to me in class. She helped me translate French words that were difficult. My midterm results came in, Ms. Johnson was shocked. I kept salient and continue to study even harder. I ended up getting 87% on the French course as an ESL student. Become one of the top 3 students that year all because I Believe is possible even when all the odds were against me.
Now, every time I am trying something new I remember my French class experience. There will be a lot of people like Ms. Johnson who won't see your potential because you are different. There will be people like the Principal in your life who are ready to take you off the list. Just because someone had an option of you without even knowing you. There will be someone like Dad who might think that every teacher's advice is working in your own favour. None of them will matter when your voice speaks louder and you truly believe in it. Do not be naive. You must work hard for it, reach out to those who do, get a supportive team to help you get there. Best of all BELIEVE IS POSSIBLE!
2) Train Your mindset to think like a successful person
If you want to be successful. You've got to train your mind to start thinking like a successful person. Our brain is a very powerful tool. It has the ability to over anything in life just by shifting your attitude and mindset toward things. You've got to learn to bounce back and always looking for ways to experience a breakthrough.
3) Stay motivated
Not every day you are going to feel 100% positive and motivated. You've got to learn ways to help you get back in track and stay motivated. That might be Yoga, exercise, prayer or audio tape.
I love listening to great motivational speakers such as Less Brown, Eric Thomas, and Lisa Nichols. I remember a few years back when I wanted a motivation to finish the undergrad studies I came across Less Brown youtube video. He said we should make it a habit to listen to audiotapes, read books in order to be successful.
Here is sample of video to listen to daily.
6. Do not envy someone else glory before you know the story
One thing my mother always taught me is humbleness and patience. I am blessed to have a prayerful mother with a strong sense of core value. Sometimes we are so fixated by what we see on social media viewing others REEL in life and get discourage. One thing for certain is nothing great earn comes easy. Instead of feeling envious about "Jack or Jackie" have it all together on Instagram. Be inspired by how far it took "Jack and Jackie " to get to that level.
Let your eyes see things as an aspiration instead or envious, as an inspiration instead of jealousy. Not everything has to be a competition. Life is a marathon, not short race. We are all capable of reaching our maximum potential. Some might reach there sooner while others it will take longer. Our success stories are measured differently. Therefore, you must focus on your chapters while creating the next pages.
7. You gotta be hungry
The 7th daily tips, I believe Mr. Les Brown has a better explanation. I want you to watch this video. Honestly, many of you will skip watching this video. Only those who truly want to be successful in life will watch it. Plus, those who will surely become successful in life will put all his advice into action.
Motivational videos, books and quotes are only as powerful if you give life to it. You got find ways to apply actions to achieve success.