Before I write any blog post, I make sure to choose a topic or keyword phrase for my headline. This method helps me to stay focused without going off topic, as my work doesn't revolve around lifestyle or haul content. I have be very strategic when developing my blog content topics or experimenting first before writing about it. Below are key strategies for writing impactful blog content.
Select a topic you’re passionate about
Topics written with a passionate approach are usually more powerful in delivery.
Select an inspirational topic
You can also develop a blog topic from inspirational content, industry insights or new tech and products. This usually allows you to explore and experiment with new information or ideas that you can bring to your audience.
There are over 4+ billion keyword search results on Google. Answer The Public provides you with an instant, raw research insight. Use it to generate a topic for your next blog post.
Organize your material before writing.
Now that you've selected a topic to write about, your next step is organizing your material to deliver an effective post. Here's how you're going to break down your blog post:
Introduction - Create a strong introduction line to present your topic in way that the reader knows it's going to be useful
Hook: You want to have a hook as part of your intro to shown them value of proposition for the topic given and how it will benefit them. Hooks are great little foreshadowing techniques to allow readers to skim through your article post.
Reference old topic: If you have covered a series of articles within similar topic and they are related, try to add hyper text links to allow readers to refer to previous articles. Better yet, send them to credible sources to get more information on a particular topic. For example, if you have stats from research, try to include the original peer review article.

Evoke emotion within your writing so readers can resonate with the content. You can include a story within the given topic or personalize your writing style to make it more authentic.
Have a strong closing paragraph
Before ending your post, you want to leave your audience yearning for more to read. Try to include a little teaser/foreshadow of your upcoming topics or share social media posts for them to find more content online that you cover.
Social share: Sometimes, you can encourage your readers to share the article with friends or family or make space for readers to leave comments/feedback. This will allow readers to know which content has had significantly positive impacts.
Get a grammar editor: You can use Grammarly to edit your content or have someone else do it for you.
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