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How To Maintain Creativity and get off the funk

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

Let's be real, even the most motivated entrepreneur or person can have bad days too. Yes, we do run into bad days just like everyone one else. It's all about recognizing the roots of it and change your dynamic to get out of the funk.

The entrepreneurship journey is very lonely at times because not many people are going to support your visions. Simply because they do not believe in it or is never been done. You have the vision that's why it's important for you to protect, nourished in order to manifest it. That’s why maintaining your creativity is essential in helping you thrive as an entrepreneur. Thus, it’s important to stay off the funk as much as you can.

I will be sharing with you my key tactics to get off or stay off the funky mood swing.

Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist. If you are experiencing some serious mood swings or depression consultant your health care professional or therapist. Your mental health is important and should be taken care of well.

Acknowledge It

The first rule is to recognize it and acknowledge you are having a bad day or week. Your productivity is slack lately compare to your normal routine. Plus, ask yourself what happened that got you feeling this way about things around. Did you see something, hear something or experience something that caused you to be less motivated or less inspired.

If you are able to understand the cause and roots of your problem will make it easier to overcome them. That's is why acknowledging it is the first step to fixing it. Below I am going to list some habits and tactics that you can use to get you off the funk.

Take a shower or bath:

If you ever noticed how many great ideas come to mind when you are in the showers. Taking a warm shower can be relaxing for the body and mind. You feel fresh and rejuvenate.

I once interviewed an artist who told me she writes her songs while taking a relaxing bath to set the mood for creativity. Also, some of the wildest creative ideas pop up to me in the shower. I will keep telling myself I need to start taking notes & pencil to write down because I need to forget them.

Do some Exercise:

If you are feeling unmotivated or low energy try to exercise or take a long walk if you can. I am a kinesiologist graduate so this falls right along with my department of expertise.

Known facts: Exercise helps improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Most importantly, it stimulates the release of dopamine which chemicals responsible for regulating your mood.

For example, I have friends that exercise all the time. When he misses a week without exercise he gets so cranky and mood Swings. He makes sure he exercises daily or once a week if he is able to. That's his way of stay of the funk be more active. Since most of us are working remotely or at home the workstations aren’t set up for proper ergonomic functionality. It can cause back pain, muscle aches etc. You start feeling tired and less productive than normal. That’s why is important to do regular exercise, yoga or stretches.

Reading books

If you got nothing better to do with your extra free time sitting at home during this pandemic. I suggest you hit the bookshelves to take a book and read.

Reading helps to exercise your mind to think differently, come with new fresh ideas, and stay motivated. If you can read one chapter of a random book weekly from a different subject matter see how your thinking changes over time.

“Readers are Leaders” - old saying but valuable quote.

Listening to podcast

I listen to Sarah Jakes Roberts's podcast to inspire my creativity and boost my motivation to do my work. During my school days, I would download her podcast on my phone. I will be listening to on my walk to work, school, during a work break while cleaning. Her podcast helped stay off the funk 90% of them because she is constantly encouraging her listeners to get up and secure their dreams. I could public admit listening to Sarah Jakes podcast helped lunch re-brand blog and launching podcast when everyone thought the idea was terrible


Support Friend

Let's be real, you only need a handful of a supportive network that are genuinely there for you to uplift and surround you with positivity. I am lucky enough to have few people that support me and show up to me even when I'm not in the country. They show me a part of a sisterhood that I'm fever grateful for it. I am a better friend because of their friendship with me. Thank you dream sisters you know who you are!


Sometimes what you need is a change in environment boss. To get fresh creative ideas you got to change the cycle and scenery. Reorganize tour room desk around, take a weekend trip out of town. Have a weekend getaway to clear your mind.

Take a break from your own thoughts

Yes! I said. Take a break you need sometimes. You are not a machine, even computers need to be shut down for while to reboot and cool down. I highly recommend taking a break to help restore your thinking process to gather new ideas and perspectives.

I hope these were useful activities to help you feel Like Yourself and Out of a Funk.

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SHER Blog.png

Sher Shares Blog

Great tips, I need to think about what kind of branding I want to convey.

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Nicole's Cooking

Hi Neecee, This is Nicole, Such a wonderful sharing! Great Job! All the best! 

faith adodo

Faith Adodo

Thanks for this wonderful Interview. I love the questions and enthusiasm. 

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