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Meet David Ghambi Founder Founder of Helping Youth Community Forum (HYCF) In Malawi

HYCF aims to eradicate gender bias, empower youth, help underserved families, and work with communities to foster change in Malawi.


HYCF's vision is to achieve a society that is at least 75% free of social, Health, and climate Impacts by 2030.

Our Main Mission is to bridge the gap in inequalities and address Vulnerability in the underserved communities of Malawi through the empowerment and capacity building of women and girls, men and boys, tackle gender discrimination and violence, and support more equitable economic and social opportunities for the marginalized.

Food security is achieved by supplying necessary food and linking it from production to consumption which can supply food continually from one generation to the next. That is to say, sustainability that provides not only economic efficiency but also social and environmental protection is necessary for the food supply sector #GardenProject2022#MW2063




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Sher Shares Blog

Great tips, I need to think about what kind of branding I want to convey.

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Nicole's Cooking

Hi Neecee, This is Nicole, Such a wonderful sharing! Great Job! All the best! 

faith adodo

Faith Adodo

Thanks for this wonderful Interview. I love the questions and enthusiasm. 

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